McMajan Library Pack  v 2.00
Improve your Arduino !
McMajan Library Pack 2.00


Mcmajan Library pack is a mix of different libraries jointed all together. Programming Arduino there are many problems if you want to integrate different libraries because there is not the possibility to specify the dipendences on Arduino IDE. For this reason my libraries are now jointed in one big library. In this way I can use functions and classes of a library inside another one. Note: The documentation in NOT complete, you can find most important information and function but NOT ALL. I'll write what isn't just ready in the future.


You can find 8 libraries and a global configuration file. The libraries are:
Analogico: of course it means analogic in italian. In this little library there are some functions used in all other libraries which are useful to sample analogic signal using oversampling, kalman filters, and more. See here: Ss_Analogico.cpp. You can see these funtion opening Energia example (ConsumoEnergeticoVI).
Energia:it is useful to create a energy meter. It read values of voltage and current. This class can report you apparent power, real power, voltage, and more.
FastArduino: in this library you can found some function to replace digitalRead, digitalWrite and some other additional functions. The advantage to use these is than on avr microcontroller you'll have an important speed-up. See here: Ss_FastArduino.cpp
hc595: This library controls a chain of 74hc595 registers. You can manipulate in the same chain either normal digital lines and lcd displays.
McAir24: controls nrf24 modules. Note: McAir24 is a global istance of ss_nrf24 class.
McIRDA: controls IR interface. For now is compatible only with avr microcontrollers.
Ss_TFT : controls ITBD02-28 display shield (
Ss_McMajan_Config.h: Use this file to configure all libraries